Thursday, December 17, 2009

An important time in my life.

A sketch (view of me looking down)

School is over for the semester and the holiday bustle surrounds us. There is a bittersweet ending to this semester, the evening painting class that I have attended for about 5 years is no longer. This has been a life changing class for me, I've been taught by one of the best and also have become best of friends with the one teaching. Going back to school, was one of the best things I could've ever done for myself. It made me get out of my box and helped me feel like I belonged. I have been able to discover that it really is okay to be me and there are people that actually "get" me. This class was one of those places kind of like the TV show "Cheers" where everybody knows your name. The group of people was just one of those freak happenings of a bunch of people that came together whom normally wouldn't even think of being together and it just worked. The camaraderie and family like atmosphere made you want to go and learn. On the critique nights it was so awesome, we all brought food. It was a huge spread of items like tamales, cheesecake, taco salads, chicken, cookies, macaroni pie, just everything! Our teacher/ friend is no longer teaching the night class after 15 years, because of cut backs and she is pretty much okay with that in order to have time at home in the evenings. Which I can't blame her for that. She is teaching the day class still which I will take. I'm happy about that, but many of my friends including my hubby won't be able to attend because of their work schedules. It won't be the same. I will be surrounded by teenagers just out of high school who don't give a rats ass about the class and are just in there for the credit. I know this for a fact because that's what my drawing class was like this semester. There are a few from my old class coming, but the dynamic will change.
Putting art aside for a week or, and lots of parties to attend. Early family Christmas on Saturday, Sunday.. 80th birthday party for a friend during the day, Winter Solstice party with friends in the evening. Busy several days ahead. Wheew!


Cala Gray said...

I am sorry to hear that class is ending. Maybe the day class will end up a bit better with more of you guys from the night class in there. Maybe you'll even influence some of the teenagers who really didn't care to begin with.

Glad to hear the holidays are in full swing for you and your family!

Bigger said...

I happen to stumble acroos this blog and have to say it is very incouaraging to see what you do. The art you display is amazing. The Birch block must have taken a while it seems to have evey minutte detail. I thought it was a picture untill i read the blog. I think you are an amazing person. sorry to here about your class. maybe some one in the new class will help bring back the vibe of the old class.

Sorry My spelling is terrible

C said...

merry christmas laroo! hope it's all filled with lots of warmth, love, and serenity. you deserve those things plus more.


La Roo said...

Gray- I'm hoping we can bring some type of unity to the day class. I can only hope.
Happy Hoildays Gray!

Bigger- Thanks for coming to my blog. It was nice to hear your input. Don't worry about your spelling with me...okay.

C- Thanks for your warm wishes, you're a sweetheart.
Happy Holidays friend.