Thursday, July 23, 2009

De Plane! De Plane!

For years I've been wanting a tattoo. Having to decide what to get has basically been what is stopping me. I can't make up my mind. (God, I'm such a girl!) I know I like old school tats and lean towards the genre' of a pin up girl or sugar skulls. (something on the order of the pic above) I really don't care to design one on my own. I don't feel that I would be able to draw with that "old school" style like I want. Of course, I don't want what everyone else has, and that's making it difficult. For many years I've been just plain chicken in fear of the pain. I've pretty much overcome this thought, realizing I've endured much more pain dealing with tests, operations, etc. Basically, just told myself "suck it up princess". The other issue is where? Where is very important, we don't want to see a saggy tattoo later in years. Also, don't want to do it on a bony place. Possibly a small collage' on my shoulder, or on my neck? I'm not sure.


Cala Gray said...

I love tattoos on other people, myself nahh. I am chicken when it comes to needles and there is nothing I can imagine on my body for the rest of my life! hehehe

marquisdgore said...

If I thought my vote would influence your decision, it would be - NEVER!
A beautiful woman, such as yourself needs no embellishment, but that's just my opinion.
If you're determined, buy a package of temporary tattoos and try them out, one at a time on the various places you mentioned, just to get used to looking at something that is going to be there the rest of your life.
Lying in the sunlight, like you like to do, will fade out the colors of a fine line tattoo very quickly and you'll need to be touched up.
Start reading Skin Art magazines (there are several available) and visiting various websites of tattoo artists. Nothing to read actually, just look at the pictures.
If you decide to continue, you'll want to have it done by someone reputable in that business, not your local parlor. Attend a Tattoo convention in your area. famous artists are there and what you're looking for is a woman artist that you can feel comfortable dealing with.
LA has one annually. You said that you can hear the fireworks of Disneyland where you live, so maybe, the Anaheim Convention Center.
If you absolutely gotta have one, put it on the sole of one of your feet so it doesn't distract from your overall appearance, which is perfect the way it is.


Jake lara said...

It's expensive but you can get rid of tattoos completely with lazer treatment. There's some good designs around and tats can look pretty good when their new and you look like a rebel. I like clean crisp lines that vary in thickness like a hand drawing, those look spectacular but their in living skin and so turn blotchy and to my tastes they then look awful. If I had tats I'd get them lazered off after 4 to 7 years and redone. I haven't got any because I'd get bored with having one for that long, I wouldn't have one for life.

Bob said...

I would like to see your tat be a heart with Bob Forever in the middle.